🫘Red bean barley light treasure tea🍵Recommended~ I usually buy these health-preserving ingredients of red bean and barley to make soup by myself. Today, I will share with you this # 方家铺子 #红豆芝豆草芜茶, a box contains a small pack of small individually packaged tea bags, you can see the real material The ingredients are red beans, barley, and Gorgon fruit. There are also barley, licorice, orange peel and other materials with a real grainy texture. With a good recipe, just throw the tea bag into the hot water cup and brew it. It is super convenient! After a meal Drinking a cup of oily tea can also remove edema and dampness at ordinary times. Warm Guxiang tea, drinking it often for health and beauty can also beautify the skin. #晒出你的美丽心机#
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🫘红豆薏米轻盈系宝藏茶🍵推荐~ 红豆薏米这些养生食材我平时都会买来自己煲汤,今天给你们分享这款的# 方家铺子 #红豆薏米芡实茶,一盒里面是一小包一小包的独立小包装的茶包,可以看得到真材实料的红豆、薏米、芡实,颗粒感实实在在的还有大麦、甘草、橘皮等材料,搭配好的配方把茶包丢入热水杯里冲泡就可以了,超方便的!饭后喝一杯解油腻,平时还能去水肿去湿气哦,暖暖的谷香茶饮,常喝健康养生还能养颜美容哦。# 晒出你的美丽心机 #