#上亚米瓜分10w+# As a preserved fruit food, Jiuzhi tangerine peel is a small snack that I must take with me every time I go out. Whether it is a plane or a car, I feel very comfortable when I take a slice! This time, before I went on a trip, I bought this Laiyifen nine-made tangerine peel at YAMI! Tangerine peel is actually the peel of citrus fruit. It usually uses high-quality citrus peel as raw material. It is produced through nine processes including picking, soaking, keeping fresh, peeling, pickling, draining, seasoning, repeated drying, storage, and packaging. Therefore, it is also called "Nine Systems". The most notable medicinal effects of tangerine peel are reducing phlegm and relieving cough, dredging cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, lowering blood pressure, etc. It is one of the precious raw materials with the same source of medicine and food! I really like this small package, it is so convenient to take it out!
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 作為涼果類食品的九制陳皮,是我每一次出遠門都必須帶上的小零食,不管是坐飛機還是坐車的時候來一片就覺得特別舒服!這一次我去旅行之前就特意在 YAMI 亚米 買了這款 来伊份 九制陳皮啦! 陳皮其實就是柑果的果皮,通常採用優質的柑橘皮為原料,經過揀皮、浸漂、保鮮、切皮、醃製、瀝乾、調料、反覆曬制、貯存、包裝等九項工序製作而成,也因此稱之為「九制」。陳皮最顯著的藥效是化痰止咳,疏通心腦血管,降血壓等,是藥食同源的寶貴原料之一喔! 好喜歡這款小小的包裝,帶著出門簡直太方便啦!