# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # GLICO Glico POCKY Chocolate Coated Biscuits Milk Blueberry Flavor 45g. 6⃣️. I was looking forward to this one, but it's a bit sweet... I didn't notice it before, it turns out that domestic desserts are so sweet. Still delicious though. The blueberry flavor is very strong, but its white chocolate taste is also very strong, very sweet. And then there is a very strong blueberry flavor...? I feel that the matcha flavor and the tiramisu flavor of this series are a little worse.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # GLICO格力高 POCKY百奇 粒粒曲奇巧克力涂层饼干 牛奶蓝莓味 45g。6⃣️.我本来是很期待这款的,不过实在是有些甜了....之前没注意,原来国内的甜品是这么甜的。虽然也还是好吃的。蓝莓味是很足,但是它的白巧克力的味儿也很足,非常的甜。然后还有很浓重的蓝莓香精味...?觉得对比这个系列的抹茶味和提拉米苏味(求补货啊啊啊啊啊)要差一些了。