# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # Simply sharing three unboxed boxes, one of my packages in May and June. 2⃣️0⃣️. I have been eating the ones in picture 1 recently, and I have eaten up all the ones in picture 2! ! ! The egg yolk-flavored potato chips are super delicious! ! ! The things in picture 3 are the treasures I found in Yami, and the bag at the bottom is a gift. I actually bought two other items just for this giveaway. But I really like those two.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 单纯分享三个盒子开箱,是我五六月份的包裹之一。2⃣️0⃣️.图1的我最近在陆续吃,图2的已经都吃光了!!!蛋黄味那个薯片超级好吃的!!!图3的东西是我在亚米发现的宝物,最下面的包包是赠品。我其实是为了这个赠品才买的另外两个东西。不过那两个我本来也很喜欢就是了。