# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # S&B Summer Limited Super Cool Super Spicy TABASCO Beef Curry 180g. 2⃣️3⃣️. I have bought this curry for too long. I bought it by direct mail from Japan. The summer limit he wrote was last year. Now it is almost the summer of this year and last year... so I am no longer buying it I can only add other curry tags. This is really the spiciest Japanese-style curry that I can buy. The spiciness should catch up with the 7 to 8 degrees in the coco curry shop in Japan. There are not too many problems with the curry itself. If you say it is very good, it is not, but if you say it is sweet or sour, there is nothing wrong with it. I didn't even realize it had tabasco added because the spiciness blended well with the other flavors.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # S&B 夏季限定 超爽超辣 TABASCO牛肉咖喱 180g。2⃣️3⃣️.这个咖喱我真的买了太久了,是日本直邮凑单买的,他写的夏季限定是去年的,现在都快到今去年的夏季了....以至于已经没在买我只能加别的咖喱的tag。这真是我我能买到的这种日式袋装咖喱里最辣的款,辣度要赶上日本的那个coco咖喱店里的7度到8度了。 咖喱本身没有太多的毛病,就是你说它非常出彩,那不至于,但你说它齁甜的或者偏酸什么倒是也没有。我甚至没感觉出来它是加了tabasco,因为辣味和其他味道融合的很好。