# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # Master Kong Braised Beef Noodles Barrel 110g. 2⃣️5⃣️. This is the second time I bought this after I came to the United States. When I bought it for the first time, I was treating a stomach problem, and I felt sick for a long time after eating it. After finally getting over it, I bought it again, wondering if it was the noodle problem or my problem, and it turned out that it was my stomach problem. I didn't have that nausea when I ate it this time. Its fragrance is still the same as in China, and the fragrance is attractive. But overall, the freshness and saltiness of the noodles are much lower, and I don't know if his family has raised the water level or what. Maybe I'm being tricky? It is recommended to add less water.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 康师傅 红烧牛肉面 桶装110g。2⃣️5⃣️.这是我来美国以后第2次买这个了。第1次买的时候正在治胃病,吃了之后恶心了很久。好不容易缓过来了,我才又买了一次,想事实到底是这个面的问题还是我的问题,事实证明好像是我的胃的问题。 我这次吃就没有那种恶心的情况了。它的香味儿依然是跟在国内一样的,香味儿诱人。可是整体吃着面条的鲜度和咸度都低了很多,也不知道是是他家把那个水位线提高了还是怎么样。大概是我嘴刁了?建议少加水。