# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # GLICO POCKY Strawberry Coated Stick Biscuits 70g. 3⃣️0⃣️. The biscuits inside are not sweet, and the strawberry coating on the outside has the same taste as the domestic strawberry lollipops. It's quite sweet, but it's very fresh. It's said to be strawberry flavored, with a little bit of blueberry flavor. Anyway, it's delicious. One pack of this domestic version is 45g. According to me, neither of us can eat sweets very much. We can eat twice, and each time we eat 1/4. If there is more, we will feel sweet. It is said that the strawberry fruit pieces are taken from the fruit. It is not obvious when eating, and you can’t eat any fruit pieces, but it just looks good.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # GLICO格力高 POCKY百奇 草莓涂层棒饼干 70g。3⃣️0⃣️.里面的饼干是不甜的,然后外面的草莓涂层跟国内的草莓棒糖是一个味儿。挺甜的,但是又很清新,说是草莓味,又带点蓝莓味,总之挺好吃的。这个国内版本的一包是45g,我跟的来说我们两个都不是很能吃甜的人,我俩能吃两次,每次就是吃1/4,再多就会觉得甜了。说草莓果粒是从水果上取下来的,吃着并不明显,也吃不出来什么果粒,就是只是看着挺好看的。