# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # Taiwan Uniform Little Raccoon Crispy Noodles Ecstasy Spicy Crab Flavor 35g. 3⃣️2⃣️. His family has improved, there is no powder bag, but directly seasoned on the dough. The advantage is that it is more environmentally friendly and produces less plastic. And the white pepper powder in that powder packet is actually quite punchy, and I have to sneeze every time I open it. The disadvantage is that you can't control the saltiness by yourself, and the manufacturer has to endure everything. Fortunately, I am a person with a heavy mouth, and I add all the powder packets every time, so I have no problem with this seasoning. It’s delicious, from snacks to big ones~ I will buy it again forever.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 台湾统一 小浣熊干脆面 销魂香辣蟹味 35g。3⃣️2⃣️.他家改良了,没有配粉包,而是直接在面饼上调了味。好处是环保了些,少生产了塑料。而且那个粉包里面的白胡椒粉其实挺冲的,每次打开我都得打一次喷嚏。缺点是不能自己控制咸度了,厂家整成啥样都得忍着。好在我是口重人士,每次粉包都是全加进去的,所以这个调味我也没问题。是好吃的,从小吃到大~永远回购。