# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # Xinhe Onion Companion Junyuexiang Original St0 Bean Sauce 300g. 3⃣️3⃣️. I thought it was the common soybean paste from Northeast China, but it’s not 😓😓😓. It is really divided into a category by itself, and it is different from other people's. The ✅other bean paste I bought is basically a bit close to the Pixian bean paste, and they are all spicy 🌶️ red 🍎 in color. Xin and this sauce has a spicy taste, but it is the color of black Korean soybean paste. I use it to make eggplant and potatoes once. Any dish that would be delicious when stewed in a large sauce will become very strange after it is put in it...I feel like I bought the wrong sauce myself, I have to buy their "big sauce" version.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 欣和 葱伴侣 6月香 原酿豆瓣酱 300g。3⃣️3⃣️.我本来以为是东北的那种普通大酱,然而并不是😓😓😓。它真是自己就分了一个类,跟别人家做的都不一样。我买的✅其他的豆瓣酱基本都有点接近郫县豆瓣酱,都是辣🌶️口的红🍎色的。欣和这个酱带着辣味儿,但又是黑色的那种韩国大酱的颜色,拿它做茄子,也做了一次土豆。任何放大酱炖出来会好吃的菜,放了它之后都会变得非常奇怪....感觉我自己买错了酱,我得去买它家的“大酱”款。