# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # Fanhu Chaoshan seafood casserole porridge Seafood instant porridge Nutritious breakfast supper 117.5g [20 minutes to cook porridge]. 3⃣️6⃣️. Probably sold out, no tag found. There is a bag of dried seafood in the seafood porridge. After boiling, it will be very thick after being boiled on the stove for 10 minutes... But I don't think this rice is very suitable for porridge... Long rice grains, although the porridge is thick, but the rice grains are broken... There is a sense of air when eating? Maybe this is southern rice? The overall seasoning...it's okay, it's a lazy work. The downside is that there are ginger grains in it, which are too big, so I didn't write it out. When eating porridge, you can chew the ginger in just a few bites. People who don’t like ginger cry.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 饭乎 潮汕海鲜砂锅粥 海味速食粥 营养早餐夜宵117.5g【20分钟快煮粥】。3⃣️6⃣️.大概卖光了,没找到tag。海鲜粥里面有一袋海鲜干,泡开了之后上炉灶煮10分钟就很浓稠了……可是这个米我觉得不是很适合用来做粥…… 长的米粒儿,虽说粥浓稠了,但是米粒儿碎了……吃着有种空气感?可能这就是南方米?整体的调味…还可以吧,偷懒之作。败笔是里面有生姜粒,还很大,也没写出来。吃粥的时候就好几口都能嚼到那个生姜粒儿,不爱吃生姜的人哭了。