# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # Manor Double Yellow Salted Duck Eggs 288g. 4⃣️0⃣️. I couldn’t find the tag. I tagged this brand of sauerkraut (the sauerkraut is also delicious! I’ve bought it many times!) This time I repurchased it, but I recommend this brand of mayonnaise. It is the small bottle of 13 knives. The reason for not buying duck eggs is... this time the duck eggs are super salty! The last one I bought was not salty at all! I feel that its salt control is not allowed. It's a pity that its big double duck egg yolk.... I really like its double duck egg yolk, which is much, much bigger than others.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 莊园 双黄咸鸭蛋 288g。4⃣️0⃣️.没找到tag,我挂了这个牌子的酸菜的tag(它家的酸菜也好吃!我买了好多次了!)这次是是回购的,但是我更推荐这个牌子的蛋黄酱,就是13刀的那个小瓶子吧。不买鸭蛋的原因是...这次鸭蛋超级咸!我上次买的一点都不咸!感觉它家盐控制的不准啊。可惜了它家的大双黄....哭了我真的很喜欢它家这个比别人家都要大很多很多很多的双鸭蛋黄。