# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # Wugu Daochang Hot and sour pork bone noodles. 4⃣️4⃣️. Can't add tag, sigh. Hang the tag of the sour bamboo shoots. The noodle soup tastes okay, but the noodles themselves are not very tasty after soaking. Before I put the vinegar in, the noodles are tasteless, just their ordinary and delicious noodles. I didn't feel the pork bone or anything. I thought that the pork bone smell would be the stronger bone broth. Later, vinegar was added, but there was no vinegar taste after adding vinegar. The overall taste is similar to seasoning powder and sour bamboo shoots fat beef noodles. I like their sour bamboo shoots fat beef noodles and tomato-flavored noodles, and they are enough, but this hot and sour The bone-in noodles were nothing special.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 五谷道场 酸辣豚骨面 。4⃣️4⃣️.加不上tag,叹气。挂了酸笋款的tag。这面汤尝着还可以,但是泡开之后面条本身不太入味儿,在我放醋之前吃这个面条就是没啥味儿,就是他们家普通那种很好吃的面条。豚骨啥的我没感觉出来,我以为豚骨味的都会是骨汤道更重一些的。后来又加了醋,加醋后也没吃出什么醋味儿。 整体有一个类似调味粉的味道和酸笋肥牛面的味儿很像,我对他们家那个酸笋肥牛面和番茄味儿的面都是要好评,而且是够的,但是这个酸辣纯骨面就是没什么特别的一般般。