# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # Wang Shouyi Thirteen Spicy Spicy Fresh 50g. 4⃣️9⃣️. I bought 5 bags in one go, because the Yachao near my home didn’t sell them. I don’t really know how to cook according to the comment area, so I add some... because I don’t know what it will be like... I just take it back to make Chinese-style Orleans marinade, and I can use up a bag every time... Do The ingredients that come out are enough for me to eat for three months. Excellent! Orleans Chicken Wings Orleans Chicken Crispy Bone Orleans Chicken Burger!
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 王守义 十三香 麻辣鲜 50g。4⃣️9⃣️.我一口气买了5袋,因为家附近的亚超没有卖的。倒是不太会按照评论区说的那样做菜就加点...因为不知道会是什么味...我只是拿回来做中式的奥尔良腌料,每次都能用掉一袋子...做出来的料也够我吃好三个月了。超级棒!奥尔良鸡翅奥尔良鸡脆骨奥尔良鸡排堡!