#上亚米瓜分10w+# Japan KOBAYASHI Kobayashi pharmaceutical eye wash, pink bottle with coolness degree 3~4, and green bottle with coolness degree 0, dark blue bottle with coolness degree 2~3. Rinse the bottle cap first, pour in the 5ml amount marked on the scale line, close one eye, raise your head and open it, wash your eyes for no more than 30 seconds, pour out the used eyewash, and wash the other eye in the same way Eyes, 3-6 times a day. First wipe off the makeup and dirt around the eyes; if you wear contact lenses, you must wear contact lenses before use, and people who don't wear contact lenses can also use it; the color of the liquid is vitamin B12. The product contains double vitamins to relieve eye fatigue and prevent eye diseases; wash away the dirt and dust in the eyes; protect the cornea and moisturize the eyes to prevent or relieve dry eye symptoms. Washing the eyes feels cool and not irritating, and it is a bit annoying at first.
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ # 日本 KOBAYASHI 小林制药洗眼液,粉色 瓶清凉度 3~4,还有绿色的,清凉度 0,深蓝色 2~3。 先将瓶盖冲洗下,倒入刻度线标识的 5 毫升量,扣住一只眼睛,仰头后睁开,洗眼不超过 30 秒,倒掉用过的洗眼液,同样步骤再洗另一只眼睛,每天 3-6 次。 先擦拭眼睛周围的化妆和污垢;如戴隐型眼镜,用前一定要戴着隐形眼镜,不戴隐形眼镜的人也可使用;液体颜色是维生素 B12 的。 商品含双倍维生素,缓解眼部疲劳,预防眼部疾病;冲去眼里的污垢与灰尘;保护角膜、眼睛补水,预防或缓解干眼症状,洗眼睛觉得清凉不刺激,开始有点煞。