Don't need this eye makeup's really hard to say.! ! Since the first time I started this eye and lip makeup remover, I have already started three, and none of them can get into my eyes! It's very easy to use. Every night, all kinds of makeup on the eyes are wiped off and it's clean~ Especially the double eyelid stickers! The upper eyelid makes the eyes of the fairies bling bling a lot bigger, but if it is not handled properly, the eyelid will be given away! Dip a little makeup remover on a cotton pad every day, put it on the eyes and gently wipe the double eyelid stickers, and the whole strip will fall off without hurting the eyelids at all~~~ Removing makeup is even more powerful, take the very stubborn kiss me eyeliner for example. First we took a cotton swab and drew three lines on the hand with eyeliner Stick one end of the cotton swab with makeup remover and wipe the bottom one, and the other end with clean water and wipe the middle one Just wipe it 5 times, and the bottom part is completely gone! ! ! It's amazing! ! Haha, since I got it, Ma Ma is no longer afraid that my eye makeup will not be clean~~~
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不用这个卸眼妆...可真的说不过去了.!! 自从第一次入手这款眼部唇部卸妆以后,我已经入手三支了,别的都入不了我的眼了! 特别好用,每天晚上眼睛上各种妆全都轻轻一擦就一干二净了~ 尤其是双眼皮贴!上眼皮让仙女们的眼睛一下bling bling变大好多有没有,可是处理不当会让眼皮送的啊! 每天用化妆棉蘸一点卸妆液,放眼睛上轻轻一擦双眼皮贴就一整条掉下来了,一点不伤眼皮~~~ 卸化妆品更是杠杠的,就拿非常顽固的kiss me眼线来说吧。 首先我们拿来一根棉签,然后用眼线笔在手上画了三条 棉签一头粘卸妆液擦最下面那条,另一头粘清水擦中间一条 就这么轻轻擦5下,最下面的完全没有了!!!超神奇吧!! 哈哈,自从有了它,麻麻再也不怕我眼妆卸不干净啦~~~