# 全球购 # Domestic brand three fresh noodles. I have been making this brand since I was in elementary school, and it is still sold now. I don’t want no Chinese to know about it... I bought 2 large packages before, and mixed the noodles with the seasoning of seven tomatoes bought by Yami to make a tomato. Let's make it a meal for Daibin for dinner. 【1】
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# 全球购 # 国货大牌三鲜伊面。这牌子从我小学时就在做了,现在还在卖,我不想没有国人不知道啊...之前回购买了2大包,面条配着亚米买的七个番茄的调料做了个番茄面给呆斌当晚饭凑合一下。【1】