# 全球购 # Yami’s Good Things|This mugwort post is to repay the favor, right? I also found a good item that people with low heads must stock up on, mugwort patches. As a sedentary worker, I often encounter the problem of body aches. When I saw this product was half price, I added it to the shopping cart to try it. Unexpectedly It's very easy to use, but it needs to be used at home, and the smell of mugwort will be quite strong. It is quite convenient to use. You can just tear off the tape and stick it on directly. It is a hot compress + herbal hot moxibustion method. It feels warm and comfortable when used. I usually put it on when I sleep, and I feel more comfortable after sleeping on it.
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# 全球购 # 亚米好物|这个艾草贴是来报恩的吧 又挖宝到了一个低头族必囤的好物,艾草贴,作为一个久坐打工人,经常会遇到全身酸痛的问题,当时看到这款半价,就加入到了购物车准备试试,没想到巨好用,不过需要在家使用,艾草的味道会比较重。使用还是蛮方便的,将胶布撕掉直接贴上就可以,热敷+草本的热灸方式,使用的时候暖呼呼的,很舒服。我一般睡觉的时候贴,睡一觉起来也更舒服了