# 全球购 # Good Skin Care Products I: Andy Warhol’s co-branded model SK2 is so beautiful, right? SK2 Fairy Water, which is friendly to combination skin and oily skin, is also my favorite when the seasons change every year. Used as a wet compress, it can effectively moisturize, fight inflammation, and resist oxidation. It can soften the skin and refine the texture. It also regulates the water-oil balance and improves the skin texture. Brightening effect and stabilizing acne-prone skin. Fairy Water is suitable for those with mature skin over the age of 25. The first time I came into contact with it was because of its anti-aging and microdermabrasion effects. After using it, I really felt amazing. However, as I have sensitive skin, I need to establish the skin's strength in the early stage of use. Tolerance: If you have acne marks on your face, you can use a small piece of cotton pad to apply it wetly. If you apply it all over your face, sensitive skin may not be able to bear it and may feel a stinging sensation. In addition to the fairy water, this joint brand also comes with a co-branded storage bag, which is very cute and just the right size to be used as a lipstick storage bag. The design and packaging of this joint version are so awesome, it has a dopamine-like color contrast. This co-branded version is made by Nissan, and I personally feel that its taste is heavier than the American version of fairy water. They also often produce co-branded packaging designs. Only by using it correctly can the magical effect of SK2 be exerted. SK2 Fairy Water is not a toner, but an essence. Therefore, after cleansing your face in the morning and evening, you can apply toner, then use a cotton pad to soak in the fairy water, then pat your face gently or apply it wetly on your cheeks. You may feel a sting when you first start using it The main ingredient of fairy water is Pitera, commonly known as yeast essence. This ingredient is a metabolite of the yeast used to make sake. After the yeast is filtered, the filtrate is obtained, including a variety of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and polysaccharide viscous substances. However, the concentration and proportion of SK2 yeast stock solution are relatively high, so it is best to establish the skin's tolerance before use. For the first time, you can lightly rub it with a cotton pad, and then you can use it every other day and slowly extend the wet compress time. The moisturizing effect of SK2 is relatively average. You can use it with a highly moisturizing facial cream when using it. The filtrate of the fermentation product of galactose yeast-like bacteria in Fairy Water has a certain repairing effect on acne or acne marks. It can improve dullness and lighten acne marks, and can also help adjust the water and oil balance of the skin. You can wait until there is a discount before buying it. The price of this joint model will be slightly more expensive than the original packaging. If you like to collect packaging, you can buy it. Otherwise, it is recommended to just buy the original packaging.
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# 全球购 # 护肤好物 I 安迪沃霍尔联名款SK2也太美了吧 混油皮肌肤友好的SK2神仙水,也是每年换季的时候心头爱,湿敷使用可以有效的保湿、抗炎、抗氧化,能够柔软肌肤,细腻纹理,同时对水油平衡有一定调理作用,有提亮效果和维稳痘肌。神仙水适合25岁以上的轻熟龄肌肤的使用,最早接触到就是因为其主打的抗老和磨皮的功效,使用之后果然有惊艳之感,不过作为敏感肌,使用的前期需要建立肌肤的耐受度,脸上有痘痘痘印的地方,可以用小块化妆棉湿敷,全脸湿敷敏感肌会有些承受不住,还会有刺痛之感 这款联名除了神仙水之外,还有搭配联名版的收纳包,很可爱,大小刚刚好可以做口红收纳包,这款联名版的设计和包装太可了,有种多巴胺的撞色感。这版联名款是日产的,个人感觉其口水味相比美版的神仙水会更重。他们家也是经常出联名包装的设计。正确的使用方法才能发挥SK2的神奇作用,SK2神仙水不是爽肤水,而是精华露。所以早晚洁面之后,可以拍上爽肤水之后,再用化妆棉蘸取上神仙水之后,轻拍面部或是湿敷于脸颊。刚开始使用的时候,可能会有刺痛 神仙水的主要成分是Pitera,俗称酵母精华,该成分是制作清酒的酵母菌的代谢物,酵母菌经过过滤后得到过滤液,包括多种氨基酸,维他命,矿物质,以及多糖类粘性物质。不过SK2酵母原液的浓度和占比较高,所以使用前最好先建立下皮肤的耐受度,初次使用可以微微用化妆棉擦一下,之后可以隔天使用慢慢加长湿敷时间。SK2的保湿效果比较一般,使用的时候可以再搭配一款高保湿的面霜使用 神仙水的半乳糖酵母样菌发酵产物滤液对痘痘或是痘印有一定的修复效果,可以改善暗沉和淡化痘印,也能帮助调节皮肤的水油平衡。可以等有折扣的时候再入手,这款联名款的售价相比原包装会稍微贵一些,如果喜欢收集包装的小伙伴可以冲,不然还是建议直接买原包装的