# 全球购 # Recently I saw an Uji matcha sandwich biscuit. Being a matcha lover, I bought it without saying a word! This box of Uji Matcha sandwich biscuits contains 12 individually packaged biscuits. When you open the small package inside, you will be greeted by a strong matcha flavor. The outer biscuits are very soft and delicious, while the Uji matcha sandwich has a strong matcha flavor and is slightly sweet. The taste is not lacking in the slight bitterness of matcha itself, and it is also a snack that you won’t be able to stop eating after one piece! I particularly like these biscuits that come in separate small packages. It’s more convenient to take with you when you go out, and you don’t have to worry about opening the package and not finishing it. You can tear open a small package and eat a piece without getting your hands dirty! It’s more cost-effective to buy when it’s on sale!
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# 全球购 # 最近看到了一款宇治抹茶夾心餅乾,抹茶控的我二話不說趕緊買了! 這一盒的宇治抹茶夾心餅乾裡面有12塊獨立包裝的小餅乾,打開裡面的小包裝就是一陣濃香的抹茶味,外層的餅乾非常鬆軟可口,而宇治抹茶夾心的抹茶味很濃,微甜的口感又不缺抹茶自身的微苦,也是一款吃上一塊就停不下來的小零食啦! 我特別喜歡這種有獨立小包裝的餅乾,帶著出門比較方便,而且也不怕打開了包裝吃不完,撕開一小包吃一塊也不沾手喔!打折的時候入更划算!