# 全球购 # I didn’t expect that the iFactory plum slices I bought for YAMI with free shipping would be such a surprise! When I first opened the package, I saw that there was a sealing strip on the bag. I thought that such a small package was necessary. The portion was so small that I could finish it in a while. I didn’t expect that the sealing strip was It really has its own meaning, after all, it’s really too much to eat in one sitting! There should be about 20 plum slices in a small package. A thin slice has a slightly sweet taste when placed in the mouth, and then there is the sour and sweet taste of plums. The taste is quite fresh. I really like the sour and sweet taste of plums. The taste is good, but after taking a few more tablets, I feel a bit sour, so I really can’t eat many tablets at one time, but it’s quite appetizing in my mouth!
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# 全球购 # 沒想到為了 YAMI 亚米 湊單免郵買的 iFactory 梅子片這麼有驚喜的啊! 剛開始撕開包裝的時候看到包裝袋上居然還有密封條就想著這麼小小的一包還有這樣的必要呀,份量這麼少不是一會就吃完了嘛,沒想到這密封條是真的有其存在的意義,畢竟真的一次吃不完! 一小包裡面大概應該有20幾片的梅子片,薄薄的一片放進口裡有一點微甜的口感,然後會有梅子的酸甜味,味道還挺清新的,好喜歡梅子的酸酸甜甜的口味,然而吃多幾片之後就覺得有點酸,所以一次還真的吃不了很多片,含在口裡還挺開胃的呢!