# 全球购 # I am determined to try all the Korean fast food here again✌🏻 Bibigo Bibigo This package of Korean kimchi and tofu soup was bought on clearance sale before. Because the discount was huge at that time, I thought it was okay. Who would have thought that the current price is nearly $10? That’s not good. Because the taste is really mediocre The ingredients inside are relatively simple. Just kimchi, soup and tofu Tofu has no taste, and it tastes like instant food I added some hot pot meatballs and sweet potato starch But to be honest, it has nothing to do with delicious food. The soup base has no flavor It's quite simple to do. Two buns: a kimchi bun and a tofu + soup bun Just put it all in the pot and cook it Although it’s not unpalatable, it’s not delicious either. If it's on clearance, I can buy it to deal with it. But to be honest, if you have kimchi and Korean hot sauce at home, you might as well make it yourself, it will definitely taste better.
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# 全球购 # 立志要吃遍所有韩国速食的我又来了✌🏻 Bibigo 必品阁 这包韩式泡菜豆腐汤还是之前清仓特价买的 因为当时折扣力度大所以感觉还行 谁想到现价居然要近$10刀,那就不太行了 因为这款味道真的有些平平无奇 里面的配料比较简陋 就只有泡菜、汤和豆腐 豆腐没味道,而且能吃出来是速食 我加了点火锅丸子和红薯粉 但老实说还是和好吃没什么关系 汤底没有任何鲜味 做起来倒是挺简单的 两个料包:一个泡菜包、一个豆腐+汤包 全部放进锅里煮就行 虽然不难吃,但也不好吃 要是清仓的时候可以买来对付一下 但讲真,如果家里有泡菜和韩国辣酱的还不如自己做,肯定更好吃