# 全球购 # I didn’t expect Orion! Potatoes actually have the flavor of octopus balls! YAMI Don’t lie to me, there are only things I can’t think of, there are no treasure snacks that I can’t buy! This flavor is bigger than the regular version of French fries! If you put it sideways, you won’t be able to put it in your mouth (the funny son’s passionate interpretation) The taste is a super rich and authentic octopus dumpling flavor that I didn’t expect! I really didn’t expect the taste to be so close! It has a strong smell of bonito, very Japanese. If you like octopus balls, don’t miss it! It’s just a pack that looks big but is not edible at all. In just a few seconds, it was swept away by the wind and the remaining clouds!
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# 全球购 # 没想到 Orion 好丽友 呀!土豆居然还有章鱼小丸子味! YAMI 亚米 诚不欺我,只有我想不到的,没有我买不到的宝藏零食! 这个口味比普通版的薯条要大! 横着放是放不进嘴里的(搞笑儿子倾情演绎 味道是我意料之外的超浓郁正宗的章鱼小丸子味! 真的没想到味道会这么接近! 有股浓浓的柴鱼味,非常日式 喜欢章鱼小丸子的宝千万不要错过啦! 就是一包看似大但根本不耐吃 三两下就被风卷残云、一扫而光!