# 全球购 # This P.D.F is mainly for anti-allergy and oil control. It can be said that it perfectly matches my skin type. (I am a sentimental person with sensitive, oily and acne-prone skin🥹) The mask paper is relatively thin and fits the skin quite well. The 3D Mediheal watermark logo is printed on the mask paper, which makes people feel reassured that it is genuine👌🏻 After washing your face, apply it on your face for 10-20 minutes, then massage until absorbed. The light fragrance is refreshing It can be used by sensitive skin, acne-prone skin, oily skin, etc.! The hydrating effect after use is not particularly significant. But the calming and oil control effects are very good! Usually my skin feels oily the next morning after using the mask But I didn’t feel oily at all the next day after using this product. Skin condition is particularly good The redness on my face has also improved a lot. Overall, this is a very cost-effective facial mask. Recommended for babies who are prone to oiliness and acne👏🏻
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# 全球购 # 这款P.D.F则是主打抗敏控油 可以说是和我的肤质完全吻合了 (是多愁善感的敏感油皮痘痘肌亚🥹) 面膜纸算是偏薄,蛮贴合皮肤的 面膜纸上上面印有3D Mediheal的水印logo给人感觉很放心是正品👌🏻 洗完脸在脸上敷10-20分钟,再按摩至吸收即可 淡淡的香味沁人心脾 敏感肌✅痘痘肌✅油皮✅皆可使用! 用完之后补水效果不算特别显著 但是镇静和控油效果非常好! 通常我用完面膜之后的第二天早上皮肤就会泛油光 但这款用完第二天完全没觉得油 皮肤状态特别好 脸上的泛红也好了不少 整体来说是性价比非常高的一款面膜 推荐给容易出油长痘的宝宝👏🏻