# 全球购 # Japan's MyOJO star food Super Ace Ramen Ippei Sauce Nightclub Fried Noodles, Wasabi Mayonnaise Flavor! The brewing package is convenient and can be eaten in just three minutes! The smooth and elastic noodles are paired with the mustard-flavored mayonnaise, which is smooth and rich, and has the stimulating taste of mustard. It was the first time I tasted this. It tasted very special. It had a rich texture and a large portion! Not bad 👍
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# 全球购 # 日本MyOJO明星食品 超级王牌拉面一平酱夜店炒面,芥未蛋黄酱味!冲泡包装方便,只要三分钟就可以吃了!爽滑Q弹的面条搭配芥末味的蛋黄酱柔滑浓郁,还有芥末的刺激感。第一次吃这种味道感觉很特别,口感挺丰富的份量也很足!还不错👍