Shopping at Yami again! Since the beginning of school, I have placed five orders and I can't control myself. Some recommendations! Macau Xiangxiang Family Carnival Souvenirs There are five kinds of desserts in it, and the egg roll phoenix cake is my favorite. They are all individually packaged. It's great when I bring two to school every time I'm hungry. Porridge Because I was too lazy to cook porridge myself, I thought it was too much trouble and it was inconvenient to bring it to school, so I bought a bunch of porridge. Yinlu's has been waiting for a long time to arrive, okay? Vitasoy Since I'm lactose intolerant, this one is perfect for me. It tastes like a lot of breakfast milk bars. mustard Sometimes when I want to eat, but I'm not hungry, I just want to eat two mouthfuls of mustard. It's spicy, salty, and very tasty. Uha sugar Because I am a very fond of sugar and the taste of uha is so good that it is basically delicious! Bring one or two with you every time you buy something! QQ sugar The taste of childhood! Not much to say, everyone knows!
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又又又在亚米买东西了!从开学到现在已经下了五单了完全控住不住自己呀。一些些推荐! 澳门香香合家欢伴手礼 里面有五种点心,蛋卷凤凰酥是最爱的,都是独立包装每次上学带两个饿的时候非常棒 粥 因为太懒啦自己煮粥觉得好麻烦而且不方便带到学校,就买了一堆粥,银鹭的是等了很久才到货的好嘛 维他奶 因为我乳糖不耐所以这个就非常适合我啦味道还很多早餐奶棒棒的 榨菜 有时候想吃东西可是又不饿就想吃两口榨菜 辣辣咸咸的非常有滋味 Uha糖 因为我是一个非常爱吃糖的人 而且uha的口味又好 基本都很好吃!每次买东西都要带一两条! QQ糖 童年的味道!不多说大家都懂!