# 全球购 # I have been using Six God since childhood. Taking advantage of the recent good price of YAMI, I stocked up on Liushen toilet water, which has a light floral fragrance and is refreshing and pleasant. In fact, I have been using it since I was a child, but I have never been able to buy it since I went abroad. Recently, I saw several Six god models on the shelves at YAMI, and there is also this toilet water that I have loved using since I was a child, so I bought it. It still feels like childhood when I spray it! Liushen Spray Toilet Water contains herbal extracts and the "Liushen Original Liquid" can relieve prickly heat and relieve itching. Spraying it in summer is not only refreshing and refreshing, but also relieves itching and discomfort! It is also very simple to use, just open the lid and press the nozzle, then spray it on the skin as needed! It’s time to go out this summer! In addition to this toilet water, Six god Liushen also has a mosquito repellent toilet water that I particularly like! The smell is fresh and natural. It repels mosquitoes and also smells good. I love it!
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# 全球购 # 從小到大一直都在用的 Six god 六神 ,趁著 YAMI 亚米 最近的好價,又囤了六神花露水,淡淡花香,清新怡人。 其實小時候就已經在用了,但後來出國就一直都沒有買到,而最近在 YAMI 亚米 看到好幾款 Six god 六神 上架了,而且也有這款小時候就愛用的花露水,就買了,一噴感覺還是童年的味道啊! 六神噴霧花露水含草本精萃而成的「六神原液」可以祛痱止癢,夏日噴一噴不僅清涼舒爽還能緩解癢感與不適喔!使用起來也是非常簡單,打開蓋子按一下噴頭,按需求噴灑在皮膚上就可以了! 這個夏天就香香地出門啦! 除了這款花露水之外, Six god 六神 還有一款驅蚊的花露水我也是特別喜歡的!味道清新自然,驅蚊之餘還會香香的,愛了!