# 全球购 # Taiwan TACHIA MASTER purple taro cake. The taste of purple sweet potato is not strong, and it is indeed the best among all the taro-related crispy snacks I have eaten. I bought 2. To be honest, the sweetness of the second one was a bit low and tasteless...The sweetness of the second one was just right? Is this purely handmade? Just add sugar and let it happen? There is a soft and waxy one in the middle, like a pearl, but softer than a pearl... It has a texture similar to a glutinous rice cake. (56)
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# 全球购 # 台湾TACHIA MASTER大甲师 紫芋酥 。紫薯的味道并不浓,确实是我吃到的所有的有关芋头相关的这样的酥类点心里最好吃的了。我买了2个,第2个甜度说实话有点低没什么味儿...第2个甜度刚刚好?这是纯手工做的吗加糖随缘?正中间有一个软糯的像珍珠一样,但是比珍珠软一些……有点类似糯米糕之类的口感的东西。(56)