# 全球购 # Weilong Konjac is so addictive. I have bought it many times. Personally, I prefer the spicy flavor. Although there is a little red oil in it, it is not overly spicy! It is often served with noodles, and it is also very enjoyable to eat on its own! The taste is elastic, crispy, low in calories and contains dietary fiber! There are 20 sachets in one box, which is quite filling👌
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# 全球购 # 卫龙魔芋爽太上瘾了,我已经买过很多次了,个人比较偏爱香辣味,里面虽然有些许红油但也不会辣得过份!经常拿来配面条,单吃也很过瘾! 口感Q弹,脆脆哒,热量低含膳食纤维!一盒共有20小包,很有份量哦👌