Handicapped party breakfast sharing post. First steam the egg and fry it, wait for 30 seconds, throw a few pieces of ham to cover it, and then for another 30 seconds, depending on whether there is leftover rice, spread a layer of leftover rice. Remember to keep the fire low throughout the process! ! small fire! ! When the eggs are half-formed, fold the lid and remove from the pan. Spread on the tortilla, depending on how lazy you are, you can place the rolled tortilla in a pan with residual heat to make the crust crisper. - Posting an order is a little more tiring than making an egg. Finally, you can drizzle some rice and sweep away! This is also perfect with a bowl of thick and spicy chicken.
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手残党早餐分享贴。先蒸蛋煎,等30秒,任意扔几张火腿覆之,再30秒,取决于是否有剩饭,铺一层剩米饭。整个过程切记小火!!小火!!蛋半成形时,叠盖,出锅。平铺于Tortilla上,取决于多懒,可以把卷好的tortilla放在有余热的锅里,让饼皮酥脆些。 - 晒个单比做个蛋还是要更累一点的。最后,可以淋点饭扫光!这个配一碗浓汤咕咕鸡也是太完美。