# 全球购 # Korean eight-way super spicy turkey noodles are really spicy, so I didn’t put all the turkey ingredients in it, only half of it, but it was still super spicy. This one comes in a cup, so the amount is very small, and it will be gone in three or four bites. The main thing is to eat it quickly, because the slower you eat it, the spicier it becomes.
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# 全球购 # 韩国八道超辣火鸡拌面,真的好辣呀,所以我根本没有把火鸡料都放进去,只放了一半,但是还是超辣。这个是杯装的,所以量特别少,三四口就没了,主要是要快些吃,因为吃得越慢越辣。