# 全球购 # Master Kong Fish and Shrimp Pan Noodles in a bucket. This is so classic. My kids like this the most because it’s not spicy and tastes delicious. I also like it quite a lot. What I like most is the soup base. It’s so rich and delicious. It’s still a memory from my childhood. I loved fish and shrimp pan noodles the most.
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# 全球购 # 康师傅鱼虾板面桶装。这个好经典呀,我家小孩子最喜欢这个了,因为不辣,味道还鲜美。我也蛮喜欢的,最喜欢的就是汤底,怎么这么浓郁鲜美。还是小时候的记忆,最爱鱼虾板面了。