# 全球购 #It’s sour, spicy and refreshing. This hot and sour rice noodle has a lot of ingredients, such as bean curds, peanuts, fried peas, etc. The handmade potato starch is particularly chewy. There are a lot of bean curds and the sauce is simply spicy. It's delicious. Whether it's chili or vinegar, both are used very carefully. Every step of the process is really done carefully.
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# 全球购 #又酸又辣又得劲,这款酸辣粉的小料非常多,豆皮,花生,炸豌豆等,手工薯粉格外的Q弹,豆皮非常多,酱料简直了,麻辣够味,不管是辣椒还是醋都用的很讲究,真的是很用心在做好每一道工序了。