Take back a big box, get excited I love Weilong's kissing, but I can't wait for the one in the independent packaging. This packaging tastes just as good. I love this water from Shiseido. It's light pink and has a very special taste, but it should be absorbed. It's suitable for my oily skin. . If you use facial cleanser, it is very clean, but you need to replenish water after washing~
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抱回一大箱,激动一下 超爱卫龙的亲嘴烧,但是等不到独立包装的那种,这种包装味道一样好,大爱啊~资生堂的这个水,淡粉色的,味道挺特别,不过吸收应该,适合我的油皮. 洗面奶的话,洗的挺干净,不过洗完得多补补水~