# 厨房必备神器 # joyoung’s small household multi-functional wood-fired rice cooker can also make smart reservations. Its princess-like appearance beats everything! Although it is really mini, it can be cooked for 3 people. I just like it so much and want to own it😏I will buy it first... The inner pot earth stove original kettle technology is very good, and I am very satisfied with the texture and color! Now it’s the best time to get it at a promotional price!
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# 厨房必备神器 # joyoung九阳小型家用多功能柴火饭电饭煲,还能智能预约,公主粉的颜值战胜一切! 虽然真的很迷你,但也能煮到3人份我就是很喜欢就是想拥有😏先买了再说... 内胆土灶原釜技术非常棒,质感和颜色都非常满意! 现在都有活动价最适合入手了!