# 冬日养生 #Eight-treasure porridge is a common item at home. Sometimes I just eat eight-treasure porridge because I am too lazy to cook. I have eaten almost all kinds of eight-treasure porridge from Yami. I also like this black eight-treasure porridge, mainly because of this It’s good for girls to eat it. All kinds of beans and brown sugar sound very healthy!
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# 冬日养生 #八宝粥是家中常备,因为有时候懒得做饭就吃八宝粥凑合了,亚米的各种各样的八宝粥我几乎都吃过了,这款黑八宝粥也是我蛮喜欢的,主要是觉得这个吃了对女生有好处,各种豆子和黑糖,听起来就很健康啊!