# 冬日养生 #Seaweed is definitely a good health food! Seaweed is rich in nutrients, high in protein, carotene and riboflavin, which can clear away heat and promote diuresis! It can lower blood lipids, build and replenish blood, and there are many benefits for girls to eat more seaweed! The most important thing is that it can supplement iodine!
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# 冬日养生 #紫菜绝对是养生好物!紫菜营养丰富,蛋白质含量高,还有胡萝卜素和核黄素,清热利水!可以降血脂,造血补血,女孩子多吃紫菜好处多多哦!最重要的是它可以补碘哦!