# 冬日养生 # South Korea's WANG high-quality sweet potato vermicelli➡️The vermicelli is boiled in water, the quality is very good and tough, and it tastes delicious no matter how you cook it! To make Korean salad, add sesame oil, stir-fry spinach, fungus, eggs, and carrots until cooked, season with seasoning, and mix well with vermicelli and serve! The cold vermicelli tastes very delicious!
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# 冬日养生 # 韩国WANG优质红薯粉丝➡️粉丝过水煮熟,质量很好有韧性,怎么煮都好吃!做韩式凉拌,加香油放入菠菜、木耳、鸡蛋、红萝卜炒熟,调味再与粉丝抓匀凉拌!凉拌的粉丝吃起来非常爽口!