# 全球购 #Tremella is sweet, light and flat in nature and taste. Like other mountain delicacies, it is not only a treasure on the table, but also has a long-standing reputation in the medical treasure house! It has the effects of nourishing and appetizing, nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs! Many people say that eating bird's nest is not as good as eating it Drink Tremella fungus, so Tremella fungus is popular because of its many effects and affordable price. Popular among ordinary people. However, the Tremella species currently on the market are also There are many varieties and varieties, and you can still buy them if you are not careful. Fumigated with sulfur, it has some Tremella quality, and is itself low in collagen and fiber. Vitamin D, this kind of white fungus is crispy no matter how you cook it. So I went to the Fangjia store where I usually visit to choose their products. "Herbal Tremella", not only the product quality is outstanding, but also the serving size is You will be pleasantly surprised! This herbal Tremella fuciformis uses precious strains of bacteria. However, it is irrigated by mountain springs and artificially removed to retain the high quality and rich colloids. The ear valve is flat and flaky. No washing, no soaking, quick in 15 minutes When the glue comes out, two grams of white fungus can be stewed into a large bowl. For office workers like me, this saves time, effort and worry. Have a bowl of sweet white fungus soup every morning, or have it during a break at work Bowl, nourish your face and body, and make you look good every day! # 我的囤货清单 # # 冬日养生 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation68c51f0675e147089 91cecc73a79fc6d # # 美食种草 #
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# 全球购 #银耳性味甘、淡,平,同其他山珍一样,不仅是席上的珍品,在医学宝库中也是久负盛名!具有补益开胃,滋阴润肺功效!很多人说吃燕窝不如 喝银耳,故银耳因它的诸多功效又亲民价格受到 寻常老百姓的热捧。然现在市场上的银耳品种也 是品种繁多,五花八门,如果一不小心还会买到 硫磺熏蒸的,有些银耳品质,本身就是胶质少纤 维素多,这样的银耳无论怎么煮都是脆的。 所以我还是到平时常逛的方家铺子去选他们家的 “本草银耳〞,不仅产品质量响当当,连份量也是 让你惊喜不已!这款本草银耳采用珍贵菌种,天 然高山泉灌溉,人工去蒂,保留胶质丰富的优质 耳瓣,呈现扁平的片状。免洗免泡,15分钟快速 出胶,两克银耳可焖出一大碗。 这对于像我这种上班族来说,省时省力省心,每 天早上一碗香甜银耳羹,或者工作休息时来一 碗,养了颜补了身体,让自己每天好气色!# 我的囤货清单 # # 冬日养生 # # 新春甜茶 # # 美食种草 #