# 冬日养生 # # 方家铺子 # How is your throat during this dry and cold winter? Either "swallowing blades" or "Baojuan throat" This is hard to describe, let alone how uncomfortable it is I always feel like there are hairs scratching in my throat Cough frequently and forcefully Otherwise I always feel uncomfortable I remember when I was a kid, my throat would hurt every time I coughed. My mother will make pear soup for me But now I live by myself Leave it to me, I'm too lazy to do it So I searched for all kinds of delicious drinks online. Can help me solve the problem The key is convenience and no hassle Among the many good goods Finally I found one that meets all my needs With this 方家铺子 pear cream I no longer have to ask my mother to help me make stew. When you open the lid, you can smell the rich and sweet aroma of pears. Just use a spoon to gently scrape up a spoonful and put it in Brew warm water like this Stir it gently The taste is moderately sweet and sour and very mellow.
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# 冬日养生 # # 方家铺子 # 在这个干燥又寒冷的冬天你的嗓子现在还好吗 不是“吞刀片”就是“宝娟嗓” 这有苦说不出,别提多难受了 总感觉有毛毛在嗓子里挠似的 常常向使劲咳嗽几声 不然总觉得不舒服 记得小时候每次咳嗽嗓子疼 我妈就会给我熬梨汤 可现在我自己生活 让我自己熬,我又懒得弄 于是就在网上淘各种好喝的 既能帮我解决问题 关键方便不麻烦 在众多的好货里 终于让我找到一款满足我所有诉求 有了这方家铺子的梨膏 再也不用让老妈费心费力的帮我熬制炖汤了 打开盖子你就可以闻到一股梨子的浓郁甜香 只要用勺子轻轻的刮上一勺放入 温开水这样一冲泡 轻轻搅拌一下 酸甜适中口感也是非常醇厚的