# 方家铺子 ## 厨房必备神器 # Send again! ! My mom made this, it’s really delicious Cut the black fungus into shreds and cook in a pot, then add 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of Dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon chicken essence, then pour in egg liquid, and finally add water starch Stir well, cover and cook for 2 minutes until thickened Steam the fat tofu in the pot for 5 minutes, pour it into a bowl, and put the Pour the marinade on top, sprinkle with chopped green onion and coriander, and finally add dried dried shrimps Vinegar, sesame oil Really amazing You can eat it in one go!
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# 方家铺子 ## 厨房必备神器 # 再发一遍!!我妈做的这个真的太好吃了 黑木耳切成丝下锅煮,然后加入2勺生抽、1勺 老抽、1勺鸡精,再淋入鸡蛋液,最后加入水淀粉 搅匀,盖上盖子煮2分钟至更加浓稠 内脂豆腐上锅蒸5分钟,倒入碗里,把刚刚的 卤汁浇上去,撒葱花、香菜,最后加入虾皮陈 醋、香油 真的绝了 一口气吃完的水平!