# 晒出你的美丽心机 # For today’s afternoon tea, it took me two days to get the Tremella fuciformis soup. Before I drank the Tremella fuciformis soup, I always drank freeze-dried ones. It’s ready in 3 minutes. Eat it, it was planted at my best friend’s house. Peach gum, snow swallow, soap locust rice and stewed white fungus. Soup, my hands are so itchy that I want to try making a stew myself. I bought the Graceful Gum, Peach Gum, Snow Swallow and Saponite Rice Set from Fangjia Shop. This thing has to be soaked in cold water first, so yesterday I used dry white fungus Let's soak them together. We can't put them into the pot until today. Just two small packets of them. A little half of the pot came out! First, simmer the white fungus on low heat for one hour until it is ready. Glue, then dry the soaked peach gum, snow swallow, saponin rice, red dates and wolfberry Stir in the longan together and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. The mouth is full of gelatin and silky smooth. It tastes delicious, but it’s too troublesome. Got it! Is there any company that can produce a freeze-dried version? That kind of pour The kind that can be eaten by boiling water in three minutes
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# 晒出你的美丽心机 # 今日份下午茶,折腾了两天才吃上的银耳汤之前喝银耳汤,一直都喝冻干的,3分钟就能 吃上,在闺蜜家被种草了桃胶雪燕皂角米炖银耳 汤,手痒得很想自己炖一盘试试 买了方家铺子的婀娜多胶桃胶雪燕皂角米组合, 这玩意儿得先用冷水泡发,所以昨天就跟干银耳 一起,泡上了,到今天才能下锅,就两小包泡发 出了小半锅!先把银耳小火炖一小时,炖到出 胶,再把泡好的桃胶雪燕皂角米,跟红枣枸杞干 桂圆一起怼进去,再小火炖了10分钟。 入口满满的胶质丝滑,好喝是好喝,就是太麻烦 了!就没有哪家,能出个冻干款的吗?那种倒上 开水三分钟就能吃的那种