# 摸着良心来种草啦 # Being born in 2000, I have started to maintain my health habitually. Apart from soaking gourd berries in a thermos cup, I also like the graceful gum from Fangjia Shop. A combination of peach gum, brushed snow swallow, and double cheek saponin rice, scientific Paired with light nourishment for better health, the peach gum is plump, elastic, soft and waxy, and the silky snow Yan is good for soaking hair, saponin rice is soft, glutinous and sweet, I like to pair it with red Jujube and wolfberry white fungus! It’s really delicious!
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 00后的我已经开始习惯性养生,除了说保温杯里泡构杞,更喜欢方家铺子的这一口婀娜多胶,老 树桃胶,拉丝雪燕,双颊皂角米组合而成,科学 搭配轻滋补更养生,桃胶饱满Q弹软糯,拉丝雪 燕很好泡发,皂角米软糯香甜,我喜欢搭配上红 枣和枸杞银耳!真的特别好喝!