I saw this Qinglan roll about a month ago, and at first glance, it was the bell that I used to call when I was in Macau! ! ! However, the price is a bit expensive, but in the end I couldn't stand it anymore, so I ordered 3 boxes to try it out. This test is really incredible! So this time I ordered 5 more boxes! 😜😜😜 Let’s talk about the capacity first. A box of 180g contains 14 Qinglan rolls. Fried products will definitely be oily, so those who are afraid of greasy can ignore it. , However, I stocked up a lot of seasonings for boiled fish and sauerkraut fish in Yami, and I have more than 1 pound of beef at home... Isn't that the rhythm of letting me make 水煮牛肉😏😏😏😏😏 水煮牛肉 practice: 1. First of all, you must not follow the instructions on the seasoning package. Doing so will help you! point! All! Do not! good! eat! (Begin to get into the topic below) 2. Slice the beef, put it in the seasoning bag (half a bag of more than 1 pound of beef), a little Huadiao wine + light soy sauce + dark soy sauce + sugar + Taibai powder + olive oil, mix well and put in Refrigerate overnight. 3. The next day, take out the delicious beef slices and prepare the side dishes (I used a lot of garlic, ginger, lettuce and Qinglan rolls), the amount of garlic must be large, and all the garlic is pressed Divide the garlic into two parts (the reason will be explained later), and cut the ginger into minced ginger. 4. Turn on the heat, put the oil in the pot and heat it to 70% hot, then add a portion of minced garlic and ginger, saute the ginger and garlic until fragrant, add half a bag of boiled fish seasoning package, fry for about 3 minutes, then add water to boil (water The amount does not need to be too much, just enough to cover the amount of beef slices to be put in later. If you find that the water is not enough later, you can add a little more, so don’t put too much water at the beginning). 5. After the water boils, put the ingredients first (the order of the ingredients is based on the ease of cooking of the ingredients. For example, the hard-to-cook ingredients are placed first, and the easiest-to-cook ingredients are placed last. Qinglan roll, because I like to eat soft dishes 😂). 6. After all the ingredients are ready, start adding the beef slices. Remember not to pour all the beef slices in at one time! It must be put into the pot piece by piece! And the action should be fast, because the beef slices are easier to cook, and there will be no tender taste after cooking for a long time. 7. Cook the beef slices for about a minute at most (this time depends on the thickness of your beef slices, if it is thicker, cook it for a longer time, but remember not to cook it for too long 😉), turn off the heat. 8. Spread the remaining second portion of garlic paste on top, put a little oil in another small pot and heat it up. If you want to put some dried chili peppers, you can fry them in the hot oil at this time, and finally put Pour chilli and oil on top of the garlic paste at the end and you're done! Really delicious! Those who like to eat 水煮牛肉 must try it! 🤗
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大概在一个多月前看到这个清兰卷,一看就是以前我在澳门一哥豆捞必叫的响铃嘛!!!不过价钱有点贵,但最后没能忍得住,还是下了3盒试一试,这一试真的不得了啊!于是这次我又下了5盒!😜😜😜先说说容量吧,一盒180g,里面有14条清兰卷,油炸品肯定会油,所以怕油腻的可以直接忽略🙃我买了本来是想煮火锅的,但家里食材不够,然而之前在亚米囤了不少水煮鱼、酸菜鱼的调料,家里有1磅多的牛肉……那不就是让我做水煮牛肉的节奏么😏😏😏😏😏 水煮牛肉的做法: 1、首先大家必须不要按照调料包上的指示做,这样做会一!点!都!不!好!吃!(下面开始入正题) 2、把牛肉切片,放入调料包里的码味包(1磅多的牛肉放半包就好)、些许花雕酒+生抽+老抽+砂糖+太白粉+橄榄油,拌匀放进冰箱过一夜。 3、第二天把码好味的牛肉片拿出来,把配菜准备一下(我用的是大量蒜头、生姜、包心生菜和清兰卷),蒜头的量一定要多,把全部蒜压成蒜泥后分开两份(后面会解释原因),生姜切成姜蓉。 4、开火把锅放油烧至7成热后放入一份蒜泥和姜蓉,姜蒜爆香后放入水煮鱼调料包的半包,炒大概3分钟,然后加水烧开(水的量不需要太多,够没过等下要放的牛肉片的量就行,如果后面发现水不够还可以加一点的,所以开始的时候真的不要放太多水)。 5、水开了后先放入配料(下配料的顺序则按照配料易煮的程度,例如难煮熟的最先下,最容易熟的则最后下,我当时是先放包心生菜后放清兰卷的,因为我喜欢吃软的菜😂)。 6、配料都下好后就开始放入牛肉片,记得千万别一次性把全部的牛肉片倒进去!必须要一片一片夹进锅里哦!而且动作要快,因为牛肉片比较容易熟,煮久了会没有嫩滑的口感。 7、牛肉片下完大概煮最多一分钟(这个时间要视乎各位的牛肉片切的厚度,如果比较厚就适当地煮久一点,不过记得千万别煮太久哦😉),关火。 8、把之前剩下的第二份蒜泥铺上去,用另一只小锅放一点油烧热,如果大家想要放些干辣椒的,就可以这时候放进热油里炒一下,最后把辣椒和油一起浇在最后放的蒜泥上,这样就大功告成了! 真心好吃!喜欢吃水煮牛肉的必须要试一下哦!🤗