
Boiled fish!

Haidilao boiled fish seasoning works well

The finished product is here

(The oil is scattered because of the splash of hot oil at the end)

Slice your fish firstNot difficult This is my first fish filletCan actually slice out transparent fish fillets

Take out the marinade powder and half a packet of seasoning sauce and mix it with the fish

The marinade powder contains cornstarch, salt, pepper powder (probably) It can be deodorized and tender

Because there is no big bowl I can only mix it with a pot p>


Hot wok stir-frying seasoning sauce Boil with water Pour in half-cooked broccoli Pour in Stir the fillets. Pour the pan at the same time100mL Vegetable oil Heat. Fried fillets4It will be cooked in half. Sprinkle with dry bag and pour hot oil Hearing sizzlingThat's good!  

Fish I used Longli fish fillet, Five pieces, three pieces Personal eating

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首先给你的鱼儿片片不难 这是我第一次片鱼竟然可以片出透明的鱼片


腌料粉里面有生粉,盐,花椒粉(大概) 可以去腥变嫩

因为没有大碗 只能拿锅拌


热锅炒香调料酱 加水煮开 倒入半熟的西兰花 倒入鱼片搅一下。 同时拿平底锅倒100mL 植物油 烧热。 鱼片煮了4分半就熟了。 撒上干料包,浇上热油 听到滋啦滋啦就好啦! 

鱼我用的龙利鱼片, 片了五片,三个人吃