#Empty bottle only to recommend Lycee's eye wash is very easy to use, especially for fairies who often wear eye makeup. Instructions The small plastic cup on the head has a scale line. After removing the makeup, squeeze the eyewash on the cup, raise your head 45 degrees and cover it in your eyes, so that the eyewash can be fully soaked on the surface of the eyeball. Then turn your eyes, you can drop some The residue in the eyes is washed out firsthand experience: Although I have never been able to wash out the cups full of black things on the Internet, but occasionally when the makeup is heavy, I can really see a little bit of dirt floating in the cup after washing. I feel that it can wash away the dust attached to the surface of the eyeball, Fluff in the air and eye shadow and eyeliner residue in the eyes. By the way, because the cornea of one of my eyes was injured a few years ago, most of the cool eye drops that have a soothing effect on the eyeball will make me feel stinging and uncomfortable. I can only use normal saline eye drops for daily use. Moisturizing. But I feel very comfortable using this eye wash without any discomfort. So personally I think lycee's eye wash is quite mild~ The fairies who want to try it may wish to try a small bottle first, and then buy a large bottle for use~ If you like my sharing, remember to give me a like~ Please click my tag to buy it~ Panzi loves you all ❤️
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#空瓶了才来推荐 Lycee家的洗眼液很好用,特别适合常画眼妆的仙女们. 使用方法 头上的小胶杯有一条刻度线. 卸妆后把洗眼液挤在杯上,抬头45度反盖在眼睛里,让洗眼液充分浸泡到眼球表面. 然后转动转动眼睛,就能把一些掉在眼睛里的残留物清洗出来啦~~ 亲身体验: 虽然我从来洗不出来网上那些满杯子黑黑的东西,但是偶尔妆比较浓的时候是真能看见洗后的杯子里漂浮一点点脏东西. 感觉一定程度上能洗去附着在眼球表面的灰尘、空气中的毛絮 和 落眼睛里的眼影、眼线残留物. 顺带一说,因为几年前我的一只眼睛角膜伤到过,大部分有舒缓眼球作用的清凉型眼药水都会让我觉得刺痛不舒服. 日常也只能用生理盐水类的眼药水做滋润. 但是这款洗眼液用下来我觉得挺舒服的,没有任何不适感. 所以个人觉得lycee的洗眼液还是挺温和的~ 想要试试的仙女们不妨先入一个小瓶的试试,合适了再购买大瓶的使用~ 如果你喜欢我的分享,记得给我按个赞哦~也请按我的tag购买呀~饼子爱你们么么哒❤️