Joyoung casserole haha today I made sauerkraut salmon head soup, fresh and fragrant tofu, soft and warm, a must-have in winter! Give yourself a compliment. It was the first time I cooked live fish. I was scared to death. Cut the tofu and tomatoes well. Just put everything in according to the method of Haidilao. I chose this pot to make it because I can’t finish eating it, and I can heat it directly the next day. Just take it out of the refrigerator and plug it in to heat it up. Don’t wash it all the time. Large pots – large bowls – small bowls piles of things I hate washing dishes. Give me a like ✌️
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九阳砂锅 哈哈 今天做了酸菜三文鱼头汤 鲜 香 豆腐 软软暖暖得 冬天必备 ! 自己给自己点赞 我第一次煮活鱼 吓死人了 哈哈 先把鱼肉不管什么鱼 先煎好。豆腐 西红柿 切好 按海底捞 那包的做法 全部东西放进去就好了。选这个锅 做 因为 吃不完 第二天还是可以直接加热 从冰箱拿出来 在插电加热就好啦 不要老洗洗洗 大锅-大碗- 小碗 一堆堆东西 讨厌洗碗。给我点赞 ✌️