This dried tofu is quite delicious. It is the kind of sweet dried tofu that I like! Opened it up and ate half the bag. It's a little oily, maybe because of the sauce, but I can't stop eating it. It should be super delicious with porridge or rice! Sweet party benefits, but don't buy this if you don't like sweets haha
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这个豆腐干蛮好吃的诶,是我喜欢的那种甜丝丝的豆腐干!打开来空口吃了大半袋。 稍微有点点油,可能是酱汁的缘故,但是吃的根本停不下来,配粥或者饭应该也超好吃的! 甜党福利,但不爱吃甜的就不要买这款了哈哈