review: 1) Just a quick breakfast. 😜 2) A bunch of repurchase snacks. Pecan-flavored melon seeds are always available, crisp and raw walnut flavor, satisfying your cravings. BESTORE's squid🦑 has no fishy smell, just a touch of sweetness, just right. 3) Ate all the chestnuts, this favorite. A little dry, a little sweet, my favorite texture of fried chestnuts. 4) Small fish. Very spicy. Better in quantity. I can't finish it all the time, so I'm very at ease as a back-up snack.
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review: 1) 只是单纯晒一个快手早餐。😜 2)一堆回购零食。山核桃味瓜子是常备,脆生生的核桃味,解馋。良品铺子的鱿鱼🦑不带一丝腥气,有一丝丝的甜,刚刚好。3)吃了所有板栗,这个最爱。有点干,有点甘甜,是我最喜欢的炒板栗的texture。4)小鱼。很辣。胜在量大。总也吃不完,作为后备零食让我很安心。