This time, I bought something for a hundred dollars for a gift card. The most recommended I put the links on the second page. This yogurt sandwich biscuit does not have a particularly strong yogurt flavor. The biscuit is still whole grains. It does not feel very greasy, nor does it have high calories. It tastes very fragrant, and even packs one after another. This one comes in a box of 12 packs of 4 each. The other is VV Soy Milk! I drank five packs at a time, but stopped after my roommate stopped me. Really good to drink this green one. better than yellow It's not good to drink too much at once Eggs are delicious!
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这次是冲着礼卡 买了一百刀的东西。 最推荐的我把链接都放到了第二页。 这个酸奶夹心饼干,没有特别浓的酸奶味,饼干还是五谷杂粮的,没有很腻的感觉,又没有很高的卡路里,吃起来特别香,甚至一包接一包。 这个一盒12 包,每包4 个。 另外就是维维豆奶! 一次性喝五包 还是在室友的阻止下停了下来。 真的太好喝了这款绿色的。比黄色的好z 一下子喝多了是不太好Z 鸡蛋果好好吃哦!