I bought this with the heart to try it~ I really did not buy it wrong, except that it is a little more expensive, I don't think there are any shortcomings. Really sweats a lot! And the ginger lemon scent is so good! like very much! Skin feels smooth after soaking! So comfortable! Perfect for this winter! I know that there are many more models from this brand, and I plan to buy each one to try! It feels good! Tip: If you feel that you can't soak your whole body lying down, you can turn over and lie on your stomach! I think this enzyme must be soaked in the belly button to be effective! You will feel very hungry after soaking, so drink more water before soaking! If you eat after soaking, it will be a waste! I wish you all the best of luck and have smooth skin! ☺️
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抱著試試的心買了這個~ 果真沒買錯,除了貴一點之外,我覺得沒啥缺點。真的能泡出很多汗!而且這個生薑檸檬的香味很好聞!很喜歡!泡完之後皮膚滑溜溜的!好舒服!這大冬天最適合不過了!我知道這個品牌的還有很多款,打算每一款都買來試試!感覺很不錯!提示:如果你感覺平躺著泡無法泡全身,可以翻個身趴著泡看看!我覺得這個酵素要泡過肚臍眼才有效!泡完後你會覺得特別肚子餓的,所以泡之前要喝多點水哦!如果泡完再吃東西的話就等於前功盡棄咯!祝大家泡完瘦成一道閃電和擁有滑滑的皮膚!☺️